What is the weldability of 15CrMo steel?

15CrMo steel is a pearlite-structured heat-resistant steel that has high thermal strength (δb≥440MPa) and oxidation resistance at high temperatures, and has a certain resistance to hydrogen corrosion. Because steel contains a higher content of Cr, C and other alloying elements, the hardening tendency of the 15CrMo alloy is obvious, and the weldability is poor. As a 15CrMo alloy steel supplier in China, we can offer 15CrMo steel plates and steel pipes.
Standard: GB / T 3077-2006 standard, GB / T11251-2009
Weldability of 15CrMo steelWelding materials: According to the welding characteristics of 15CrMo alloy steel, based on past experience and referring to welding process cards provided abroad, we have selected two schemes for welding tests.
Solution Ⅰ: Welding preheating, using ER80S-B2L welding wire, TIG welding underlay, E8018-B2 electrode, arc welding cover surface of electrode, and local heat treatment after welding.
Solution Ⅱ: Use ER80S-B2L welding wire, TIG welding underlay, E309Mo-16 welding electrode, fill the arc welding cover surface without heat treatment after welding. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of welding wire and electrode are shown in 15CrMo steel standard.
Test resultsTest scheme Tensile test Bending test Impact toughness test aky (J / cm2)
Tensile strength δb / Mpa Fracture point Bending angle Face bend Back bend Weld fusion line Heat affected zone (HAZ)
Option I 550/530 base material 50. Passed Passed 84.8 162 135.6
Scheme II 525/520 base material 50. Passed Passed 79.4 109.2 96.7
Welding processSolution Ⅰ: Welding preheating, using ER80S-B2L welding wire, TiG welding primer. E8018-B2 electrode, electrode arc welding cover surface, local heat treatment after welding.
Solution Ⅱ: Use ER80S-B2L welding wire and TiG welding as the base. E309Mo-16 electrode, the electrode fills the arc welding cover surface, no heat treatment is performed after welding. The chemical composition and mechanical properties of welding wires and electrodes must meet standards.
Conclusion: Welding of 15CrMo steel thick-walled high-pressure pipes using both welding schemes is feasible. In order to ensure that the performance of the weld is the same as that of the base material and has higher heat resistance, the solution I is more effective. The key is to strictly control the post-weld heat treatment process.
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